Vote NO to Emergency Powers

Link to Petition

We want all Emergency Powers to end.

We ask citizens to contact their TDs to lobby for a NO vote.

Emergency Powers are due to expire on March 31st, unless TDs vote to renew them.

The Emergency Powers allows a Minister to:

  • Set aside provisions of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU and of our own Constitution – without any public discussion or vote.
  • Restrict our right to Work, Travel and Associate.
  • Segregate and divide us based on Health Status.
  • Force us carry a Digital Certificate (ID card) in order to gain access to services, including sports, restaurants and bars.
  • Dictate, by coercion, what medicines are put into our body, or that we wear face-coverings without any proven benefit.
  • Delay medical treatments for things like Cancer and Heart Disease, in favour of a single illness which is far less dangerous.

We want respect for our fundamental Human and Civil Rights, they cannot be given and taken away at the whim of any Government.

We demand respect for the right to Informed Consent and Bodily Integrity.

Where there is Risk, there must be Choice!

Link to Petition